Sat, 27 July 2013
I invited amazing business owner Dr. John Berardi on the show, not only to hear about how he grew to over 50 employees, but to give us the research on how we can be smarter, better business owners. Our health, and mental state affects our business, and I wanted to know the simple changes we needed to make to get into a peak state. You won't want to miss this! |
Sun, 21 July 2013
Carissa's company has helped over 8,000 small business owners grow, and she does it by a SLAP. Her company creates action plans for companies, starting with one simple statement that she gives step by step advice on how to create on the show. You don't want to miss this, this info is CRITICAL to the foundation of your business!
Direct download: Carissa_Reiniger.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 7:01am EST |
Sun, 14 July 2013
Packed content in amazing HD video for this special episode of EM. Mike and Robert explain how they started from nothing and climbed their way to the top using mentors, mindset, and strategies to help. You don't want to miss this one! |