Eventual Millionaire Podcast

Mentor and Mastermind Skillset

Direct download: Mentors_and_Masterminds_video.mp4
Category:Academy -- posted at: 10:36am EST

Introduction Video For the Academy

Direct download: intro_video.mp4
Category:general -- posted at: 10:51pm EST

Cindy is a mom, the wife of a pastor, and has an amazing story of triumph over cancer and building a business on the internet. She has great information on membership sites and give advice based on her growth online.

Direct download: Cindy_Battye.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 8:00pm EST

Amy is the creator of the Release Your Inner Millionairess Coaching Program and tells her story of growing her business. She has great energy and passion for helping female entrepreneurs.

Direct download: Amy_Applebaum.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 7:46pm EST

Action Plans Module Video

Direct download: Action_Plans_Video.mp4
Category:Academy -- posted at: 10:26am EST

Sue is the creator and owner of Nad's Hair Removal, a green goo she created in her kitchen in Australia to help her daughters. The product was named after her oldest daughter Nadine,  and grew into a huge company with success all over the world. She has a great story of pursuing her passion to help her daughters and inspires others to do the same.

Direct download: Sue_Ismiel.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 11:41am EST

Dr. Stair is CEO of an employee benefit consultanting company and has vast knowledge on making a plans that work for both businesses and employees. In this interview we discuss speaking tips, building a consulting business, and how law changes are difficult when running on a company dependent on them.

Direct download: Dr_Ronald_Stair.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 11:37am EST

Jeffrey is the founder and president of Fox & Company Inc a marketing consulting firm that helps companies increase revenues and profits. He's a popular speaker, graduate of harvard business school and author of a series of international best sellers including How to Become a Rainmaker, How to Become CEO and How to be a Fierce Competitor.

Direct download: Jeffrey_Fox.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 10:16am EST