Eventual Millionaire Podcast

MJ is the author of the Millionaire Fastlane, a book that is HIGHLY recommended by me and millionaires I interview. We go over what you need for Fastlane Entrepreneurship and how to find the right product and the right distribution. Plus he talks all about his self publishing journey and how he has sold thousands of copies of his book himself.

Direct download: MJ_DeMarco_2.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 10:59am EST

Pejman's family was forced out of Iraq where he grew up and moved to Paris with his mom. She was a business owner too, and Pejman learned at a young age how hard that really was. He rose to the top very quickly, both in the banking industry and in business, despite all of the odds against him. Discover his theory on why only 2% succeed while the other 98% fail.

Direct download: Pejman_Ghadimi.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 6:31pm EST

Best selling author Bob Burg joins me, and gives away his secrets for growing a business with a win-win for everyone. I've found this strategy to be HUGELY helpful in my business, and I highly recommend listening in to learn strategies that will change the way you do your business.

Direct download: Bob_Burg.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 8:42pm EST

Amy Applebaum already has a million dollar plus business and brand online. She ventured into a new space selling hypnotherapy CDs online in Amazon and other marketplaces. Discover how she got 50 albums completed in only 3 months and how you can implement her strategies.

Direct download: Amy_Applebaum_2.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 10:15pm EST

David has a multimillion dollar business generation leads and more revenue for companies. How does he do it? It's all in the data. He knows that data (in forms of emails, customer information and more) is very valuable. Discover how he makes data profitable! He gives tips and techniques along with his amazing story of building companies.

Direct download: David_Shteif.mp3
Category:Interview With A Millionaire -- posted at: 3:40pm EST